Recent Projects Posted
Marshfield, WI - Strohman Park Renovation Project
Bids 2/26/25
Bids 2/26/25
Eau Claire, WI - Lighting Retrofit and Building Envelope Repairs Heating Plant Building GPC
Bids 4/8/25
Bids 4/8/25
Eau Claire, WI - Lighting Retrofit and Building Envelope Repairs Heating Plant Building MEP
Bids 3/25/25
Bids 3/25/25
Janesville, WI - Westlake - Plant 2 Remodel
Bids 2/25/25
Bids 2/25/25
Madison, WI - Imagination Center at Reindahl Park
Bids 3/27/25
Bids 3/27/25
Pella, IA - Pella Indoor Recreation & Aquatic Center
Bids 3/11/25
Bids 3/11/25
Projects Bidding Soon
Phelps, WI - Phelps Sanitary District WWTF Upgrades
Prebids 2/5/25
Bids 2/19/25
Boone, IA - Boone Maintenance Facility
Bids 2/19/25
DeSoto, WI - Heated Town of Wheatland Building
Bids 2/19/25
West Allis, WI - Perimeter Safety Fences Replacement North Parking Lot State Fair Park
Prebids 1/23/25
Bids 2/19/25
Oshkosh, WI - Unit 7 Air Tempering Hughes Hall Wisconsin Resource Center DHS - GPC
Prebids 1/22/25
Bids 2/19/25
Eau Claire, WI - ECASD Lakeshore Elementary School Mechanical Alterations Project
Prebids 2/11/25
Bids 2/19/25
River Falls, WI - Lighting Replacement University Center Ballroom and Theater UW River Falls
Prebids 2/5/25
Bids 2/19/25
Town of Komensky, WI - Water Treatment and Storage Building Black River Correctional Center DOC MEP
Prebids 2/6/25
Bids 2/19/25
Cedar Rapids, IA - Studio Combine NewBo City Market Renovation
Prebids 1/15/25
Bids 2/19/25
Lancaster, WI - Orchard Manor Upgrade Egress Doors and Upgrade Wander Management Project
Prebids 1/23/25
Bids 2/19/25